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Front Office » Front Office

Front Office

Regular Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am-4:00 pm


901-840-9429, fax


Front Office Staff

Gail Wakefield, school secretary

Jessica Cox, front office secretary

Rachel Higgins, school nurse

LaFonda Campisi, bookkeeper

Mallory Burnett, cashier

Diana Lombardo, attendance



Attendance Office

The attendance office is located in the main lobby (Room 400).

The phone number is 901-840-9408

Late Arrivals: All students must report to Mrs. Lombardo's office (Room 400) upon late arrival to school. '

Check- in is not in the main office. If a parent comes in with a student who is late, the parent must receive a visitor's pass from the main office in order to go to Mrs. Lombardo's office with the student. The parent must return to the main office to sign out. Upon arriving late, the student must have a doctor, dentist or parent note only if the parent is not with the student.


Teachers and Substitutes

If you know you are going to be absent, you must contact Dr. Norton. Please remember to sign your affidavit prior to being off in the main office. If you have an unscheduled absence, you are responsible for checking your mailbox the next morning after you return. You can also stop by the main office for your affidavit. If you DO NOT want an office worker to interrupt your class, please turn your affidavit into Ms. Gail first priority the next morning. You can also put it in the lock box in the mail room before you head to class. Affidavits are picked up daily by our TCBOE carrier early each morning.


As a courtesy, Ms. Valeria Turnbull would appreciate substitutes' assistance in the snack room during your planning hour.


Using the Phone

Students need approval to use the phone in the main office. Two signatures are required; the first one from the teacher giving permission to be out of class and the second from an administrator to approve the student’s reason to make a phone call. Unless the nature of the call is an emergency, all calls are fifty cents. Students can be placed on the debt list if they do not have the money when placing a call.



Students may take medicines during school hours only if the proper forms are turned into the main office. All prescription medicine must have a written permission signed by the doctor and parent in order to take it during school hours *(pill bottles are not acceptable for a doctor’s permission). Medicine must be transported to and from school by a parent. All behavioral medicine must be counted pill by pill in the office by the parent in the presence of office personnel. All over-the-counter medicine must be brought in by the parent in an unopened container. The parent signature must accompany the form. Medical forms can be found in the back of the student hand books.

Before a student is allowed to receive medication of any kind while at school, he or she must return an authorization for medication form. This form can be found in the back of the student handbook that each student received on registration day. Forms must be signed by a physician and a parent or guardian and turned into the front office

A limited amount of medicine is provided for teacher convenience, however meds cannot be sent to your room by a student.


Driver's License Forms

In order to obtain the school attendance form that is needed for a driver's permit, a student must sign up in the front office. The request list is typically processed in 24 hours; students may pick up the form the next day. In order to complete the form, a student must not be categorized as truant, nor can he have excessive discipline referrals.

When signing up in the office, a student must be 15 years of age in order for the computer to process your attendance form. It will not print before the age of 15 years old. Attendance forms are for driver's permits; it is not required to obtain your license.

Parking passes (for your vehicle) are $20.00 and can be purchased from the bookkeeper's office. You will receive the actual tag from Mr. Crowson.


Alumni Transcript Request Form



In reference to the dismissal procedure; students are not allowed to check out after 2:15 p.m., unless it is an emergency. If a student has any type of scheduled appointments, parents must be in the building by 2:15 pm to check their child out or the student must leave with regular parental pickup at 2:35 pm.


Summer Hours

Summer hours are 8 am until 12pm on most days. The office will be closed occasionally due to meetings, vacations and administrative days off.